A website is a collection of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are hosted on one web server, usually accessible via the Internet. A web page is a document, typically written in HTML, that is almost always accessible via HTTP, or less often HTTPS, a protocol that transfers information from the web server to display in the user\'s web browser. Basically India Services providing hosting services on Linux Or Windows Servers. Basic difference between Linux and Windows server. Linux Server supports PHP CGI MYSQL(Database) and Open Source Scripts. Windows Server supports ASP,ASP.NET MS Access, MS SQL(Database) and also PHP and MYSQL One may also create static webpages using html, Javascript which can run both on Windows as well as Linux Server. You need Domain name and server space to upload the pages on the server (Linux or Windows). You have to upload the web page using FTP user name and password provided by hosting provider once hosting get activated. It make your site live on the server and visible on the Internet with your URL
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